Betty Montgomery: Tulips are joyful spring bulbs

Betty Montgomery For the Herald-
Anemone blands "Blue Shades" is a small daisy-looking flower. [Betty Montgomery]

Everyone knows of the beauty of tulips with their vibrant array of colors and daffodils with their brilliant yellows; they cheer you as they brighten the landscape. These are my favorite spring bulbs and I add to my collection each year. But they are not the only bulbs to plant that enhance a garden. There are other spring flowering bulbs to consider adding to your collection as well.

I have chosen a few to tell you about that I have had success growing in my garden, ones that have given me a lot of pleasure over the years. I will mentioned them in the order that I see them peaking through the leaves starting in January for me.

Snowdrops (galanthus) are delicate white flowers that have a green tip at the bottom of the bell-shaped bloom. In the years we have snow, their charming blooms peak their heads through the snow. They are quite small and just right for a small space or planted in mass in a larger area. (These do best in cooler climates.)

I have tried to grow different types of crocus and I have found only one that will come back for me over the years, Crocus tommasinianus. This one blooms early, is a lovely shade of purple and for some reason, is not as tasty to squirrels as other varieties seem to be. It also naturalizes over time and makes a nice display.

I love a particular trout lily Erythronium "Pagoda." Their dainty lily looking flowers smile up at me with their bright yellow color. These enchanting blooms can be tucked into a lightly shaded garden where you can admire them. Do not plant them too far back in the bed because they only get to be about 7 to 12 inches tall.

Anemone blands "Blue Shades" is a small daisy looking flower. I plant blue ones, but they also come in white and pink. I have mine planted in front of the snowdrops, because of their height and they too help distract the eye from the foliage of the fading snowdrops. They are charming.

The fragrance of hyacinth is enchanting and a memory of my childhood. I plant blue festive; I guess because my mother planted that color in her garden and I grew up thinking all hyacinths were blue. As they are opening, they have a delicious fragrance and I am always drawn to a garden with a lovely scent.

Blooming later in the season are Spanish "Bluebells" (Hyacinthoides hispanica). These handsome blooms, with their dream-like beauty and fantastic naturalizing capabilities come in blue, pink, and white. They take some shade, which is a plus for me since many of the others bulbs need more sun to bloom properly. Spanish bluebells perform better for me than English bluebells, plus they multiply quicker than any other bulb. Each year I divide some of mine and now they make an attractive statement when most other bulbs have gone dormant.

Now, there are a few things to consider when planting bulbs. If you want to make sure you have a real show, choose top quality bulbs for best results. To make a statement, be sure to plant at least 15 in one area to have a noticeable display.

Most bulbs do not like to be in a damp area when they are dormant, so make sure you plant them in an area where they are dry in summer. I learned this the hard way. I grew up in the sandhills of North Carolina and drainage was never a problem. Since leaving that area of the country, I have planted several thousand daffodils over the years, mostly on a sloping area, so drainage of the soil was never a thought. Later, I planted some in an area of my garden that is flat, and where the water does not drain. I could not understand why the ones planted in this flat area did not return. I now know that drainage is very important, especially when dormant. A hillside or a raised bed is ideal unless you have good natural drainage.

It is a good idea to add some bone meal or bulb booster fertilizer when planting bulbs. This is very slow release and will help feed the bulbs the first few years.

I hold off planting tulips until December, when the ground has had time to cool down. Also, if you have pesky squirrels, be sure to cover newly planted areas with mulch to hide the turned soil from their sight.

To have a nice succession of blooms, choose bulbs that bloom at different times, early, midseason and late season. A key to fostering their return is to allow the foliage to wither on the plant. It may not look pretty, but it provides important nutrients to the bulb.

Spring bulbs are highly versatile, require little upkeep and will increase in beauty with each passing year. I plant mine in the fall, giving them time to get their roots established before the foliage starts to emerge (gladiolas and dahlias should be planted in the spring). Think about adding different bulbs to your garden and I promise you, you will be delighted you did when spring rolls around.

Betty Montgomery is a master gardener and author of “Hydrangeas: How To Grow, Cultivate & Enjoy,” and “A Four-Season Southern Garden.” She can be reached at bmontgomery40@gmail.com