Your Opinion: County right to replace chamber

Ed Williams

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

I was pleasantly surprised to hear that the Cole County Commission has chosen to not give a contract to the Jefferson City Chamber of Commerce for economic development. It’s awkward to give congratulation for doing what is right, but Commissioners Hoelscher and Scheperle deserve it. The chamber will probably recruit someone to oppose them in the next election. They should have been cut off a long time ago, but better late than never. I believe the commissioners realized that the people of Cole County could see the poor performance by the chamber. Only chamber members are benefiting from the chamber’s economic development. Benefiting are Continental Products, Modern Litho, Capital Mall, St. Mary’s TIF and Axiom plastics, who do not pay their property taxes.

I attended the chamber’s presentation before the commissioners. It was very much like their political campaigns. No information was given about what they would do for citizens. There was a parade of chamber members that resembled a circus parade where the elephants hooked their trunk around the tail in front of them and marched in a circle. Their attitude of self-importance was obvious. The mayor made certain that everyone knew she was mayor. Other members told of their position at the chamber, such as past chairman of the board. The Chamber of Commerce thought they would receive the contract because of who they are and not what they would do for taxpayers. They did try to take credit for all increases in the number of jobs even though it was due to a strong economy and not their efforts.

Anyone else would be accountable for their lack of success, but the chamber thought they were above accountability. Their dirty tricks such as Transformation Tax, county zoning, and use tax would not have been attempted by another economic agency. Their tax to build a port will be defeated.

As for Sam Bushman’s naive attempt to promote the JC port, Clayton Hill and Bert Dirschell have pointed out in this column why taxpayers should not pay for this white elephant. Like the chamber, he is out of touch and out of step with the citizens of Cole County. If he has no opposition in the next election, I will again write in the name of Knox Williams. Knox has four feet, is covered in brown fur, and lives at my house.

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