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OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — If anyone deserved a big barbecue supper at Earl’s on Saturday night it was Rob Cowden.

You’d be hungry too if you just finished an 8 month, 3,000-mile walk.

“I called it soul work,” he says. “I did a lot of soul work along my journey.”

Some friends showed up to say congratulations.

Rob himself was still trying to process what he’d just accomplished.

“It almost feels like I didn’t do it,” he confesses. “It feels like it was just two weeks ago.”

We actually met Cowden last September, already a few months into his journey, sober since May 13, 2019- the day he began walking west from just outside Pittsburgh, PA.

He’d been inspired by recording artist Micheal Posner.

Rob pushed all he had left in the world with a converted jogging stroller.

“When I accepted the fact that my walk would never end it became easier,” he says. “Day in and day out for eight months straight and then it finally ended.”

Each of his daily walks took him to alcohol recovery meetings.

He camped out, slept on friends’ couches, and raised the money he needed to keep going.

“It definitely changes you,” he says.

13 states, 3,000 miles.

When he reached the Pacific Ocean, Rob flew back east to the Atlantic and walked to Pittsburgh where his Walk for Sobriety began.

Cowden insists, “I’m not the same person in the sense that I’ve got a confidence I never had. I’ve got a strength I never had, and I’ve got a faith I never had. I had to trust my creator for 3,000 miles.”

He had some time to think, to consider past mistakes, and to gather himself.

“Day-to-day, it was just like, get my 15 to 20 miles in and go to that meeting.”

Rob Cowden realizes now that he never truly walked alone, and that another, much longer walk is just getting started.

“After tonight,” he says, “I’m kind of done celebrating. It’s back to work.”

This celebration is just a pause for well-earned rest.


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Cowden finished his walk on January 10, 2020.

He found a job right away selling cars.

To learn more about his epic trip and the reasons behind it go to his Facebook page or Instagram profile.