July 12, 1898, Littlefield: Melons and grapes are ripening.

A flood in the Virgin but doing no damage.

Threshing over and grain turned out excellent.

While setting the thresher a son of Sam Reber got his foot caught in the machine, cutting a large gash in his heel; it is healing nicely.

July 14, 1910: First Survey of the Iron Mountain, St George and Grand Canyon Road – will be Direct Road to Kingman. Much has been said of the Iron Mountain, St George & Grand Canyon railroad, and now a preliminary survey has been completed and the first map drawn, the details will be of interest. The line leaves the Salt Lake Route at Thermo and runs to Cedar city via Enoch. From Cedar it goes to Kanarra and at a point a few miles east of New Harmony it branches. The Kingman branch is projected to run through the following places Belleview, Washington, Middleton, St George where it makes a turn up Santa Clara Creek to a point near Santa Clara and then makes a turn southwest, effecting an easy grade in crossing the Beaver Dam Mountains, thence to Littlefield, Bunkerville, St Thomas. (Eventually ending at Kingman) Engineer Burgess has completed a map which is a most thorough one setting forth the exact geographical outline of the country, as well as the geological and industrial possibilities. It shows one of the most extensive empires not reached by a railroad that can be found in the whole west.

July 14, 1919: The farmers and cattlemen are rejoicing over the rainstorm we are having and wishing for more. But we don’t like the floods that are coming down the Virgin right now.

The fourth of July passed off very quiet, nothing going on.

July 17, 1908: Telephone stockholder’s meeting in held in Bunkerville company to be named the Rio Virgin Telephone Company.