Trump, Pence to rally in Des Moines January 30

U.S. President Donald Trump, left, and Vice President Mike Pence will hold a rally Thursday, Jan. 30 at 7 p.m. at the Knapp Center at Drake University in Des Moines.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence will visit Iowa on the eve of the caucuses when they hold a rally Thursday, Jan. 30 at 7 p.m. at the Knapp Center at Drake University in Des Moines.

“Under President Trump, Iowa’s unemployment rate has fallen to just 2.6 percent and 22,000 jobs have been added, including 15,000 manufacturing jobs,” Trump campaign chief operating officer Michael Glassner said in a statement.

“President Trump looks forward to celebrating the good news of the Trump economy and the vast accomplishments of his administration with the Hawkeye State,” Glassner said.  Trump has funneled about $26 billion through the U.S. Department of Agriculture to sustain farmers put at risk of bankruptcy by his trade war with China.

After campaigning as “the king of debt” and pledging to wipe out the U.S. national debt in eight years, Trump has added about $3 trillion to the national debt — now at $23 trillion — during three years in office. The Trump tax cut and boost in military spending have produced a $1 trillion budget deficit.

Along with a “good news” economy, Trump has blessed Iowa with his traditional moral values, as seen in his participation in the Jan. 24 March for Life in Washington, D.C., the first time any U.S. president has attended the annual anti-abortion event.

In his speech, Trump shared “an eternal truth” with his audience: “Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God,” he said. “Together, we must protect, cherish and defend the dignity and the sanctity of every human life.”

Trump told the marchers that Democrats “delight” in practicing infanticide.

“Nearly every top Democrat in Congress now supports taxpayer-funded abortion all the way up until the moment of birth,” the president said. “Last year, lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb right up until delivery.”

According to Trump, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam “stated that he would execute a baby after birth.”

Joining Trump will be Pence, the former Indiana governor and Congressperson who shares Trump’s family values. Speaking at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis Jan. 19, Pence promised worshipers he would “stand strong for the values that you hold dear.”

Pence’s speech was followed by a sermon by Bishop Jerry Wayne Taylor, who told worshipers that “a demonic spirit that causes a man to be attracted to another man.” Taylor said gay people were “trying to destroy” the principle of marriage and “cut off the reproduction process.”

“We’ve got to expose what the devil is doing,” Taylor said.

Pence became the first sitting vice president to speak at the anti-LGBTQ Family Research Council’s Value Voter Summit in 2018. The Family Research Council was labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Tickets for the Trump-Pence rally in Des Moines Thursday, Jan. 30 are available online.


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