Every day VTDigger brings you the news you need about local communities, politics, business, the environment, criminal justice, health care and education.

And we investigate issues that would otherwise remain cloaked in secrecy. We recently reported on how the Catholic Church hid $500 million in assets from victims of priest abuse, how the Department of Motor Vehicles resells the personal information of Vermonters to companies, and how Norwich University has ignored assaults on campus.

VTDigger has invested in reporters who know the open meeting and public right to know laws. Who are willing to confront officials when necessary. Who are willing to report on stories that defy conventional wisdom and expose unethical behavior.

Our ability to put reporters in the field is directly related to support from you. VTDigger is a nonprofit. We rely on reader donations, underwriting from businesses and philanthropic support.

We have $132,159 to go to meet our budget need for 2019.

Can you help VTDigger stay strong?

VTDigger runs a lean operation so that we can keep our focus on what readers need us to report on every day.

We can’t get the job done without your help.

Do you value our work?

VTDigger covers news you can’t find anywhere else. Please help us continue to tell the stories that need to be told. A special gift in any amount will support the news you count on.

With gratitude,

Anne Galloway
Executive Director and Editor of VTDigger

P.S. We are thanking readers who give $20 a month or a one-time gift of $250 or more with a free digital subscription to the New York Times.

P.S.S. Donate and be eligible to win 2 flights and a 3-night stay in the lower 48, thanks to Milne Travel.

To donate a gift of stock, establish a planned gift, or bequest please call Florencio Terra at (802) 225-6224. VT Journalism Trust Tax ID #: 27-1553931

VTDigger's founder and editor-at-large.