A specialist shop selling cannabis oil products is set to open in Eldon Square at the end of the month.

The CBD Shop will stock a huge range of cannabis-based products such as body salves, e-liquids, and edibles such as infused chocolates and hemp teas.

The new store will open close to John Lewis and is offering a 20% discount on all its products on its opening days.

Those who attend the grand opening will also receive free samples of cannabis oil products, while some will also win CBD oil to take home.

Many of the items sold at the store will contain cannabidiol, an extract found in cannabis plants, which is more commonly known as CBD.

All supplements sold by the company contain less than 0.2% THC - the substance in cannabis that causes people to get high. The items are legal to sell and use in the UK.

Many people now use CBD oils for a number of issues such as pain relief, anxiety, and depression. However, The CBD Shop says that it does not endorse its products as being medicinal and advises its customers to consult with a doctor before taking CBD products.

The family owned business will be run by Nikki Coates, Jami Coates and Kurtis Taylor, who said they are focused on selling affordable, lab-tested CBD products to their customers.

The trio said: “Our mission is to make CBD accessible to everyone.”

Until now the business has sold its goods online at CBDOilUK.com. However, following the launch of its physical store in Newcastle, the firm plans to open more shops across the North East.

The expansion will create 40 jobs in the region.

The CBD Shop will open on May 31 in Eldon Square, Newcastle.