A jewellery salesman’s driving was less than sparkling the night he left a local pub after downing whisky and beer.

First, Felice Terriaca was seen by another motorist getting into his car in Alyth’s Airlie Street shortly after 10pm and driving off without lights.

That driver followed him, suspecting he had been drinking.

The 64-year-old, of Loanhead Farm, Alyth, then cut a corner before he was involved in a collision with another vehicle.

That resulted in a second driver tailing him as he made his way home.

At one point, the accused got out of his Renault Scenic Estate and “gesticulated” at those who were following him, Perth Sheriff Court was told.

A short time later, it was discovered Terriaca had gone through a wire fence and police discovered him trying to reverse out.

Depute fiscal Robbie Brown said: “When he was spoken to he was unsteady on his feet, slurring his speech and smelling strongly of alcohol.”

He failed a breathalyser and later tests showed he had been behind the wheel with more than three times the legal booze limit.

He was fined £600 and put off the road for 15 months after he admitted driving with excess alcohol on various roads in Alyth on January 16 this year.

His reading was 76 microgrammes, well over the 22 limit.

But if he successfully completes a drink/drive rehabilitation course, he will get his disqualification cut by three months.

Not guilty pleas were accepted to two other charges of failing to stop and give his details after colliding first with a Ford Focus and then a Ford Transit van the same night.

Solicitor Steve Lafferty said the accused was a self-employed jewellery salesman, selling his products on line.

The inevitable driving ban would be “a significant blow” for him as he had to regularly go to the local post office.

The accused will pay the fine at £200 a month.