Official ‘negotiated’ traveller stopping places are to be set up in East Ayrshire in a first for Scotland.

Travellers would be able to park their caravans without fear of eviction as part of the new scheme.

The council would allow them to stay on ‘suitable’ spots for a certain time as long as they follow a code of conduct.

They would get a toilet, a bin, bottles of water and directions on where to dump rubbish. But they would be monitored once a week and face eviction if they breach rules.

East Ayrshire is hoping to pilot the approach, which has been rolled out in Leeds, the council cabinet meeting heard last week.

It is a multi-agency approach between housing, planning and Vibrant Communities and the council hopes it will foster better understanding of the travelling community. It will give travellers one point of contact within the council.

Council leader Douglas Reid said: “The negotiated stopping arrangement has proved popular with Gypsy/travellers in other areas, who have struggled to maintain their way of life, often finding themselves alienated from other local communities.

“It’s a simple, effective solution and I’m delighted it has been agreed with cross-party support.”

Council SNP depute leader Elena Whitham added: “The right to travel and follow cultural background is key. We are trying to reset the compass and make a difference.”

Welcoming the plans, Annick Labour Councillor John McGhee said: “It is a long time coming but if we are getting the right outcome it will be worthwhile.”

Ballochmyle SNP Councillor Jim Roberts said travellers set up camp in Muirkirk and it took three days to clean up the site afterwards. He also told the meeting they had parked up at the Barony A Frame structure. He said he hoped the new plan would be a success.

COSLA has been looking for local authorities to take part in the ‘negotiated stopping place pilot’ and East Ayrshire is stepping forward.

It is one of a number of policies, which are being pushed forward by the council to make sure travellers get necessary services.

Another move includes giving travellers the chance to find land suitable for a private site.

A cultural awareness and training programme will also be rolled out to councillors, local communities and others.

A council staff member to work with travellers on engagement and integration is to be hired.

All the recommendations were approved by cabinet members.

There is no permanent site for the travelling community in East Ayrshire at the moment.

Latest figures dating back to 2011 show there are about 60 travellers in the area, mostly in Kilmarnock. The council said there is a need for at least one site to accommodate 13 to 23 households.