
16 Apr 2024

Derry police raise concerns about people drinking on the railway line

The PSNI says it managed to stop a train just on time a short distance away from the group and safely remove them from the track

Derry police raise concerns about people drinking on the railway line

Police in Derry have raised concerns about groups of people drinking on the railway line in different parts of the city.

A spokesperson for PSNI Derry City and Strabane said: "On two separate occasions tonight, members of our Local Policing Teams and Waterside Neighbourhood Team responded to reports of groups of people on the railway line between Lisahally and Strathfoyle.

"This follows several similar reports in recent weeks and months in this area, as well at Waterfoot Park and in the area of Station Road, Eglinton.

"This evening, Police located a group of adults drinking along the railway, as well a group of young people. Thankfully, our colleagues in the control room acted quickly and in conjunction with Northern Ireland Railway, they were able to slow and then eventually stop a train a short distance from these groups, to allow us to safely remove everyone from the line.

"We would like to remind people of the huge dangers involved in entering the area of any railway track or the banks of the Foyle. It is not an appropriate place to enjoy the sunshine or a good place to have a drink. It creates a massive risk to everyone involved in removing you from the area, and to the staff and passengers on the rail network."

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