
19 Apr 2024

PSNI find dangerous object in Ballymagroarty area following searches linked to terrorism

PSNI find dangerous object in Ballymagroarty following searches linked to terrorism

Police in Derry have said that following searches linked to 'terrorists' they have discovered a dangerous item in fields in the Ballymagroarty area.

Local residents noticed police carrying out searches throughout the day.

District Commander Superintendent Gordon McCalmont, said: “Today Police in Derry were engaged in a public safety operation in the Ballymagroaty vicinity of the city. As part of this operation searches were carried out as police had concerns that terrorists may have left items in the area which would pose a risk to the public.

"We have located an item that could cause harm in the community. Further updates shall be provided as the operation progresses.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank the local people for their patience while we worked to keep them safe.   I understand that searches can cause disruption and frustration, but our overriding priority will always be the safety of everyone in the community.

“I want to reassure the public that we remain committed to keeping people safe and we will continue to investigate and disrupt the activities of those who wish to harm communities in Derry City and Strabane.”


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