
19 Apr 2024

Two of Derry's three McDonald's restaurants will reopen next week

Company asks customers to bear with them during reopening phase


McDonald's planning on re-opening

Two of Derry's three McDonald's restaurants will reopen next week.

The company said that its drive-thru restaurants in Northern Ireland, including those at Strand Road and Crescent Link in Derry, will reopen between Tuesday and Thursday next week.

The McDonald's restaurant at Foyleside Shopping Centre will remain closed.

"Over the last fortnight, our employees, franchisees and suppliers have worked tirelessly to implement new procedures to help enable safe working so that we can now serve McDonald’s favourites to all parts of the UK and Ireland," a McDonald's spokesperson said.

"With fewer employees working in our kitchens and service areas, our teams will still need your patience and support as they continue to adjust to the new ways of working.

"Face coverings, gloves, Perspex screens and new safety and hygiene processes mean it will look different, it will take a little longer and as we’ve seen in the pilot restaurants, we expect demand will be high.

"Please bear with us, we will continue to put our people first – their safety is our priority."

The spokesperson added: "To manage the anticipated demand, we will release the locations of the reopening restaurants on the morning of each day."

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