
27 Apr 2024

Derry's two McDonald's restaurants to reopen today for drive-thru only

Customers urged to adher to new guidelines


McDonald's planning on re-opening

Strand Road and Crescent Link McDonald’s will reopen today for Drive Thru with new measures in place to help keep employees and customers safe.

This follows a successful pilot in May.

McDelivery will also become available from the restaurants on June 10.

McDonald’s has introduced a number of changes to their restaurants, including:

- Social distancing has been introduced in the kitchens and service areas to help create a safe working environment for restaurant teams.

- Perspex screens at Drive Thru windows and employees wearing protective equipment, as well as Perspex screens and floor markings in specific areas in the restaurant and kitchen.

- All McDonald’s employees will be asked to confirm they are fit and able to work and contactless thermometers will be used to take employee temperatures on arrival at work for every shift.

- restaurants operating reduced hours.

- an encouraged capped spend for Drive Thru and McDelivery at £25 per order, and customers are encouraged to pay by contactless payment methods

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