
26 Apr 2024

Rally to be held in Derry this weekend in support of the 'Black Lives Matter' campaign

Anyone attending urged to follow social distancing guidelines

Event will be held in Derry this week in memory of the man whose death has sparked allegations of police brutality in the US

George Floyd died following the recent incident in the US.

A rally will be held in Derry on Saturday in support of the 'Black Lives Matter' campaign.

The campaign was launched following the recent killing of George Floyd by a police officer in the US city of Minneapolis.

His death sparked national protests across the US and the campaign has gained worldwide support.

The Derry rally will be held at Guildhall Square at 3pm on Saturday.

It is being organised by the North West Migrants Forum (NWMF).

The organisation was set up in 2012 to promote equality of opportunities and protection for people of different ethnic backgrounds in Northern Ireland.

Lilian Seenoi- Barr, Director of Programmes at the NWMF, appealed for anyone attending Saturday's event to follow social distancing guidelines.

“We want to invite anyone and everyone to come and take part in our peaceful rally.

“The fight against racism is one that we must fight together so we ask you to join us as we demand justice for our brother George Floyd and call for an end of institutional racism, police brutality and historic complacency over the loss of black lives.

“The time to show solidarity is now.

“We hope to create an inclusive event where people of minority ethnic communities and organisations are at the centre of our focus and can inform our collective resistance.

“If you have symptoms indicative of COVID-19 or if you are shielding and are unable to attend the event, we want to encourage you that you can still get involved.

“We will be live streaming the gathering online so you can watch from home or you can show your support by posting a Black Lives Matter poster online or around your home.”


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