Will America become a socialist nation?

Column: In America, group rights clash with individualism.

C. Sheldon Smith
Iowa View contributor

“America will never become a socialist country,” declared President Donald Trump during  his recent State of the Union address.  That he believed it was necessary to make such a declaration in the “land of the free” is a testament to the allure of socialist ideology among young Americans in general, and people of color in particular. 

And what’s not to like?  The Green New Deal promoted by progressives in Congress and on the presidential campaign trail promises free health care and higher education; guaranteed jobs; economic security for those who refuse to work; an eco-friendly environment; and higher taxes on the wealthy to pay for it all.  I’m in.

 Except — I’m not in.  I value my personal freedom too much to have much more of my hard-earned income taken from me to pay for it all.  Even if the wealthy were stripped of all their possessions, there wouldn’t be near enough money to foot the bill.  So, that means me and others like me would be drafted to pay for someone else’s health care, education, jobs and electric cars.

Not that I’m anti-social.  Like most people, I’m a social creature who benefits by living and functioning in a larger community.  It’s in these communities that the concept of “group rights” was developed, whereby an individual has certain rights and obligations, and as a result, the individual and the community are better off for it.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., with Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., delivers remarks on the Green New Deal resolution during a news conference Feb. 7, 2019, on Capitol Hill.

Within group rights is the concept of “social justice,” which actually means different things to different people.  To a liberal, the term social justice means compensating for past wrongs, like slavery, gender discrimination, life’s circumstances, and the dark side of capitalism that has left countless people impoverished.  To a conservative, the term social justice means taking something from someone who earned it, and giving it to someone who hasn’t, and calling the whole exercise “justice.”

Whereas liberals prize group rights, conservatives value individual rights.  Just as we are hardwired to be social creatures who seek to join and build communities, we are also individuals who came into this world possessing a free will; we are meant to be free. We tend to be happier when we are free (how many happy prison inmates do you know?)  And we tend to be more productive, contributing members of the larger community when we are free.

In the abstract, both group and individual rights sound great.  The trouble is, each of these is in conflict with the other; an increase in group rights by definition diminishes individual rights, and vice-versa.  Some would argue otherwise, but whether it be public education vs. school choice, higher progressive taxes vs. lower flatter taxes, or socialized medicine vs. doctor and insurance choice, divisions exist and the conflict rages on.  

How do we handle this battle for hearts and minds here in America?  We choose an amalgamation of the two, with those unwedded to either ideological extreme casting the deciding votes. We have progressive taxation, but not so high as to kill the entrepreneurial spirit. We have a strong public education system that allows for private, parochial and home schooling options. And the list goes on. 

The push now is for socialism, which to some extent is a reaction to Trumpism, which itself is a reaction to the push for multiculturalism and globalism. Does socialism have legs? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doesn’t seem to think so.  He is placing the Green New Deal up for a vote to force Democrats to go on record as to whether or not they favor such a Venezuela-like plan.   

Will America become a socialist country? I hope not. Societies that prize individual freedom tend to be more prosperous and present more choices for their members than do the others. Witness Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela.

Europe, which is more socialist than America, seems to be doing all right — sort of.  Its economy is barely growing, but it does have a larger safety net than the United States.  And America does have a moral duty to help its citizens in need.  So like most people sloshing around in the middle, I’ll help to decide your future by supporting a blend of group and individual rights.  All for one, and one for all.

C. Sheldon Smith of Des Moines is a freelance writer and author.  Contact:  cmsmith0913@icloud.com