A geeky guide to travelling off the beaten path

A geeky guide to travelling off the beaten path

Travelling is all about adventure and exploring paths unknown. It’s about new experiences and sensations. However, travelling to well known places is a bit of a hassle to say the least. Sure, it may be pretty convenient, but the crowds can really dampen your experience. It’s no wonder then that many people are opting to travel to less popular locations in order to get away from the hubbub of crowds. 

However, these locations may not offer the most number of conveniences, which can be a bit of a hassle for the geeky traveller, who would want to travel while there are at the top of their tech game. Here’s a quick look at some of the things geeky travellers need to keep in mind when they are travelling off the beaten path.

Get a solar backpack

When you are travelling off the beaten path, there is no guarantee that you will have continuous access to electricity. you’ll want as much battery backup as possible. In such a situation, you might find something like a solar backpack.  As the name would suggest, a solar backpack sports a solar panel on the back. The panel will charge a portable battery while you are out and about. A win-win situation.

Consider a drone

While a DSLR might take some pretty impressively detailed photos, a drone can help you get a picture that will leave people shell-shocked. Drones can fly up high and offer a bird's-eye view on what you are seeing. There are a range of different types of drones available in the market, including ones that can neatly fold away and fit into your backpack. Just ensure that you know the legalities of drone ownership in the region before you decide to bring it.

The cloud is your friend

When you are taking pictures, the last thing you would want is the dreaded ‘Low Storage’ warning. In order to avoid that, consider uploading the images to the cloud. That will not only ensure that you have space to take more pictures, but also keep them safe in case something happens to your device. Of course, you will need the internet for that. According to a report by Ookla. Airtel 4G covers 90% of India. In fact, they are continuing to expand their presence. The company recently started 4G services in the Lakshadweep Islands and are the first mobile operator to offer these services on the tropical archipelago.

Know where you are

When you are travelling of the beaten path, you need to know exactly where you are at all times. Otherwise, you can get lost, which is a dangerous proposition indeed. A handheld GPS can help you know exactly where you are and how to get out. While smartphones do come with a built-in GPS, you are better off conserving its battery for more important uses such as making calls in case of an emergency.

Carry a backup phone

When travelling off the beaten path, it’s a very good idea to carry a small backup phone. Possibly feature phone. Unlike smartphones, the battery life of a feature phone is measured in days, not hours. So in the event your smartphone battery dies, you can switch your SIM card to the feature phone and continue to text or make calls. Feature phones are also generally more robust than smartphones and can take bumps and scrapes in their stride.

So there you have it. Five things geeky travellers need to keep in mind when they are traveling off the beaten path. Of course, one should always be wary of their surrounds and pay heed to any warnings when they travel to such locations. This will ensure a great experience that is also safe.

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