COLORADO SPRINGS — An argument over current health guidelines at a Colorado Springs Walmart was captured on video.

The fight happened last Friday afternoon at the Walmart off of Platte, Brianna Carroll started recording when the argument turned violent.

“I was probably there no more than two minutes we heard arguing about social distancing,” said Carroll.

Carroll was out shopping with her mom and said the fight broke out in front of the store between two women.

“From what I overheard it was over the woman in purple being too close to the woman in blue,” Carroll said.

Carroll says she stopped recording moments after security stepped in. The Colorado Springs Police Department says they arrested one of the women on suspicion of third degree assault.

“I wasn’t surprised because the world has been become quite the chaotic place and adding COVID-19 makes it ten times worse,” Carroll said.

Carroll uploaded the video on social media and said many have reached out saying they also witnessed similar situations.

“I mean keep your distance from people whether you believe or get sick and pass it on and respect other people’s boundaries,” Carroll said.

FOX21 reached out to Walmart but was told further updates would be given by CSPD.