The price of catching a flight from Gloucester in a helicopter could be cheaper than a train.

You can book a flight on the Wingly website and have a look at the offers that they have and there are some bargains.

The flights depart from Gloucestershire airfield and there are some deals to be had.

You can book a flight from Gloucester to Brighton for £46 per person each way. The train price could cost you £65 each way.

Richard Singleton who was piloting the Wingly Flight from Gloucestershire Airport with Heliflight

Another bargain is a flight from Gloucester to the Isle of Wight. If you were to catch the train, it would cost £63 each way but again with Wingly you can get a lift there for £56.

The Wingly flight from Gloucestershire Airport

These flights mean that you can enjoy a scenic journey to said destination and avoid all the changes on your commute if you were going by train.

Wingly flight from Gloucestershire Airport

Not only that, you are likely to reach your destination a lot quicker as well.

Views from the aircraft

The pilots have their own verified pilot licences and medicals and they not only enjoy flying, they like to share their own experiences and passion for flying with their passengers.

There are between two and five seats on the aircraft so it could be a great family day out.

There is not just the helicopter option either. There are small planes available to take a trip in.