WINCHESTER civic chiefs have a series of important decisions to make on major issues.

The future of the St Clement's GP Surgery on Tanner Street and its relocation to Upper Brook Street is due to be discussed in private session at the cabinet meeting on June 24.

Advanced notice has been given that several other reports are to be discussed behind closed doors, including:

  • the Bar End Depot marketing plan;
  • the decommissioning of River Park Leisure Centre;
  • proposals for new garden waste service;
  • contract for the purchase of gas and electricity;
  • and a land transaction.

In public session will be the Vaultex site at Barfield Close and the proposal to use it as an extension to Park and Ride.

Also on the agenda is the plan for drainage improvements to sports pitches at the Garrison Ground at Bar End.

A report on fire safety in council housing is also on the agenda.

The reports are not yet published.