Herefordshire’s unsung heroes were celebrated at this year’s Community Champion Awards.

The awards were established by the Chairman of Herefordshire Council, Councillor Brian Wilcox, and the Chairman said he was “full of awe” when it came to recognising the exceptional community contributions made by individuals and groups across the county.

The awards ceremony, held last Friday at Hereford Town Hall, commended the time and commitment made to local communities by 11 Herefordshire residents and four local groups.

All finalists were invited to a formal dinner and Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant, The Dowager Countess of Darnley, presented the winners with £500, a personalised trophy and certificate – all made possible by sponsorship from Avara Foods.

It was an emotional evening for Angela Tyler who received a standing ovation as she was named Community Champion and overall Champion of Champions. As founder of the ELY Memorial Fund, Angela showed tremendous courage and bravery following the death of her daughter Emma in a road traffic accident. The charity provides financial condolence support to Herefordshire families who may face unexpected funeral costs following the death of their own child in a road traffic accident. Angela has worked tirelessly to promote road safety and now aims to offer 15-17 year olds a road driving experience before they learn to drive, covering road safety, vehicle checks and driving skills.

Stephen Gow was awarded Youth Champion for his dedication to the Army Cadets and the way he always volunteers himself with style, vigour and confidence. Through his involvement with the Royal British Legion he has shown a compassion for elderly veterans, hearing and learning from their experiences. This year, Stephen made Royal British Legion history as the first youth member to carry the Bromyard branch standard and represent Bromyard Army Cadet Force at county level – what a privilege!

The Cart Shed volunteers said it was “a very proud moment” to be awarded Volunteer Champion for their work supporting people who may be facing mental health challenges or difficult episodes in their lives. Their beautiful woodland setting is a starting point to improve people’s physical and mental health, with wellbeing walks, woodland craft courses and veteran mentorship just some of the inspiring therapeutic activities on offer.

Environment Champion Matthew Taylor is a founding member of the Wye Float charity event and he was “speechless” that his passion for his local environment was recognised. Matthew organises a team of volunteers to clear up objects, metal and other rubbish from the River Wye which has the potential to cause harm to river users and wildlife and he can even be found snorkelling the Wye to find items on the river bed!

Tina Lloyd was named Caring Champion for her commitment to long-term foster caring. She cares for children with a vast range of special needs while raising her own family. Tina has fostered around 25 children full time, for short breaks and respite care which gives a child’s family much needed rest from their daily caring role.