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It has been a quick start into the 2020 legislative session. I apologize for not getting a newsletter out last week. I was swamped with the workload. As the Idaho House of Representatives, we have been going through each administrative rule in our committees, as a result of the House sending all of them into temporary status last session. This was one of my most proud moments as a House member. I am trying to reduce the size and scope of government during this process, as well as working to eliminate rules that violate your freedoms.

The Department of Health and Welfare is a major culprit in the violation of those rights. As you may know, I sit on the Health and Welfare Committee. On Tuesday, some rules came before us that only a few of us attempted to stop. We tried to stop the mandating of immunizations and to put a limit on the authority of Child Protective Services (CPS). I am an advocate for the protection of our children. That is why I am working so hard on my School Safety bill. However, Representative Zollinger and I have serious concerns about the constitutionality of many rules involving CPS. We strongly believe many of these rules violate due process. I certainly do not want my child taken from me, without being afforded the due process guaranteed to us in the U.S. Constitution.

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