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Fargo Fire Department seeks owner of gold ring found outside downtown station

FARGO — Fargo firefighters found a little gold right outside of their downtown station, but unfortunately, they can't keep it.

They're asking for the public's help in finding the owner of a possible wedding ring that was found at about 4:30 p.m. Monday. It's described as a single-banded gold or copper ring.

Firefighters believe it belongs to a man and said it's possible that it might not be a wedding ring.

"It's unusual, I guess, that somebody would lose some personal property like that, but if we can find and locate the owner, then all the better for everybody," said Ben Willey, an EMS training captain for the department.


You can stop in during regular business hours, which are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, to claim the ring if it's yours.

Tanner Robinson is a producer for First News on WDAY-TV.
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