SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — This morning a lot of people were awoken by loud thunder and heavy rain.

In Sioux Falls, a deluge of rain hit at about the same time people were heading to work, which flooded streets and made for some dangerous driving conditions.

The rain came down so hard and fast this morning, the city’s storm sewers couldn’t keep up.

“We did have reports of manhole lids that popped off in areas,” Sioux Falls Environmental/Storm Water manager said.

Like the one at 6th and Lowell.

Drivers couldn’t see the manhole cover, but some definitely heard it.

“That’s probably a good reminder for people, if you don’t see those manholes and if they’re gone and you’re driving through four or five inches of water it’s tough to see that,” Sioux Falls Police Public Information Officer Sam Clemens said.

They had reports of eight manhole covers that popped and if you hit one of those, you could seriously damage your car.

The downpour made a slow commute to work for some as some of the city’s storm sewer inlets may have been plugged with debris.

“If they notice they are plugged up or don’t seem to be functioning properly, give the city a call and we’ll get out there and inspect those for any blockages,” Berg said.

The flooding backed up traffic in this area of 6th and Cliff where the water got as high as their bumpers.

The city wants to remind people, if you do come upon a street that’s flooded, it’s best not to try and drive through it.

“If the street is flooded, they need to stop safely and turn around and go the other direction, because we don’t want people going into any flooded areas, because you don’t know what problems may lie below the surface of the water,” Berg said.

If anyone needs to report problems with the storm sewers or manhole covers in their area, you are asked to call the city.

During Normal Business Hours:  605-367-8600

After-Hours:  605-367-8188