He is a unique dog who has a big purpose. Kaimi is the first and oldest serving arson dog in Hawaii.

In 2008, he joined the Hawaii Fire Department and he’s done more than 200 cases, including the deadly Marco Polo building fire. After 11 and a half years of service the Hawaii Fire Department will say aloha to their special four-legged friend in December.   

Assistant Fire Chief, Robert Perreira, has been by Kaimi’s side from the beginning. Kaimi was abandoned at a California shelter when he was just seven months old. He was eventually enrolled into the State Farm Arson Dog Program.  

Kaimi will continue to live with his handler after his duties are done as an arson dog. According to Perreira, after years of hard work, Kaimi will finally be able to live a relaxing retired life.   

The Hawaii Fire Department will look for another arson dog to serve once Kaimi retires.