Grant funds pain management classes in Carson City

Published: Jan. 9, 2020 at 3:57 PM PST
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Reducing opioid use through the pain management.

That's the goal

hopes to achieve through a six week yoga class.

Hannah McDonald is the executive director for Partnership Carson City.

She said it's all thanks to a grant from the attorney general's office to fund pain management classes.

"The one thing that we know is that prevention comes in so many forms and pain management is one of them," said McDonald. "We want to prevent more usage of opioids or not using them at all."

With a packed yoga house at the Carson City Community Center, participants are taught strengthening and stretching poses.

"Your pain becomes more sensitive over time," explained McDonald. "Once you have used opioids for a certain amount of time, not just your dependency but your nerves actually get comfortable and use to it ,so that's why you need more. That's why it wears off so much quicker."

At the end of every class, attendees are asked to fill out a form asking about their pain and how the class is managing their pain aside from taking medications.

For Samantha Szyoka, she tends to feel the pain during cold weather after breaking her elbow three years ago and doing yoga and meditation helps her manage the pain.

"I think it's been great because a lot of things we've been learning in yoga we can take back to our own homes and use the meditation method that we use in yoga," said Szyoka. "So, it's not just about coming once a week to class to control your pain but using those skills all the time."

After six weeks, results will be shared with the community and the attorney general in hopes they'll able to fund more classes like this one.

McDonald said yoga was a top choice among participants and they are open to hearing any suggestions from others on what type of classes they would like to see.

"Whether if you are a child who is flexible or an older individual who is experiencing some pain in your life or you're in a wheelchair, you're welcome to come and this class is adaptable to everyone in our community," added McDonald.

Classes take place every Monday starting at 5:15 pm at the Carson City Community Center excluding holidays.

Copyright KOLO-TV 2020