AUSTIN (KXAN) — Google launched its “2018 Year In Search” lists early Wednesday and the list of top 10 most searched for terms in Austin were equal parts surprising and predictable. 

Topping the list of most searched terms in Austin is “world cup” which was also the most searched term of the year globally. 

After soccer, Austinites were most concerned about “Austin water” after the city was put on a boil water notice last month following torrential rains. Clearly, Austinites were very concerned about water as it appeared second on the list. The only other Austin-specific story that made the list was “Austin bombings.” It was only 10th on the list, even though the string of bombs killed and injured a number of people and left the city tense and worries.

Austin’s top 10 search terms in 2018, according to Google are: 

  1.  World Cup
  2. Austin water
  3. Mac Miller
  4. Anthony Bourdain
  5. Black Panther
  6. Kate Spade
  7. Hurricane Florence
  8. Bitcoin price
  9. Demi Lovato
  10. Austin bombings 

Austinites were predictable in their search habits as they share several top-searched terms with global and US users including, “world cup,” “Mac Miller,” “Black Panther,” “Anthony Bourdain,” “Demi Lovato,” “Hurricane Florence” and “Kate Spade.”

The trends showed major news events were guiding Google searches with every term on the Austin list is related to a news event, barring “bitcoin price” — another surprising entry on the list.  

The top 10 list of global search terms of 2018 include: 

  1. World Cup
  2. Avicii
  3. Mac Miller
  4. Stan Lee
  5. Black Panther
  6. Meghan Markle
  7. Anthony Bourdain
  8. XXXTentacion
  9. Stephen Hawking
  10. Kate Spade

You can find search lists from other cities and countries on the Google Trends page