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Toronto Is Getting Hit With A Snow & Freezing Rain Storm Today Making Commutes A Nightmare

Freezing rain and flurries are making driving conditions less than favourable.
Ontario Storm Will Cause A Terrible Commute For Toronto Drivers On Monday

If you are a Toronto driver hoping for a relaxing Monday commute through the GTA today, you might want to brace yourself. An Ontario storm has Environment Canada warning of freezing rain this morning, which means drivers should prepare themselves for a slippery commute. According to the Weather Network, temperatures are expected to reach a high of 3 C before dropping to 0 C in the evening when there will be a 40% chance of flurries, so you’re journey home isn’t going to be much smoother, unfortunately.

Thankfully, temperatures are expected to continue to warm up to more seasonal conditions this week, but only briefly as unsettled conditions will sweep over the region again.

"A system is expected to track into the region at the end of next week, bringing rain and snow," explained Weather Network meteorologist Dr. Doug Gillham, before adding that colder temperatures will be back in time for next weekend.

"Near or below seasonal temperatures will dominate the last week of November and into early December," added Gillham.

According to CBC, both the QEW approaching Mississauga road and the 401 near the DVP became blocked this morning due to collisions.

Crews later closed the SB 404 ramp to the EB 401 because of a recent crash, which was blocking the right lane. However, both ramps are now clear.

Peel Regional Police also reported that both Brampton and Mississauga were suffering from traffic signals issues this morning.

“Since just after 6 am, we have received numerous calls for traffic signals that are either completely out in both Brampton and Mississauga. Please treat these intersections as 4-way stops & follow the directions of officers on scene,” the police warned on Twitter.

Weather experts recently released Ontario’s winter forecast, which is predicted to be unseasonably cold and long this year.

Commuters will likely face more than a few messy commutes this year due to less-than-optimal weather conditions.

There are stories everywhere. If you spot a newsworthy event in your city, send us a message, photo, or video @NarcityCanada on Twitter and Instagram.

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