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Canada's Largest Festive Night Parade Is Coming To Brampton This Weekend & It's Free

Explore stunning light installations!
Senior Writer

It's one of the most beautiful times of the year, as towns and cities everywhere are illuminated with twinkling lights and festive decor. Familiar places are suddenly transformed into winter wonderlands, perfect for getting in the Christmas spirit. Ontario is home to so many magical installations and holiday events to explore. This winter, you can visit an enchanting lights festival that will whisk you away to the North Pole. Brampton's Winter Lights Festival lets you wander through a glimmering snowy village this holiday season. 

Each year, downtown Brampton becomes a sparkling Christmas paradise filled with fun activities and stunning displays.

The Winter Lights Festival opens November 15 and runs until November 16.

The festival kicks off with a glimmering tree lighting ceremony at 8 p.m. Watch a massive 60ft tree burst into light.

With 10,000 illuminated bulbs and tons of festive ornaments, the ceremony is heart-warming on even the coldest evenings.

Shop at the outdoor Christmas Market in Garden Square. You'll find all sorts of unique gifts and some tasty goodies to treat yourself to.

You can take a ride on a vintage holiday carousel for some extra cheer. 

On November 16, head over to see the 25th annual Santa Claus Parade. According to the City of Brampton, the event is considered to be the largest night time parade in all of Canada, and you don't want to miss it.

No Christmas festival is complete without some good photo ops and this event does not fail to deliver.

Apart from the many stunning light displays, you can stop by the Blacklight Selfie Station to snap a festive picture. 

Get your wings by visiting the angel installation, which will make you look like you belong on a Christmas tree.

One of the most magical features of the event is the glowing gazebo decked out in holiday decor.

Each winter, a glassy skating rink winds its way around the area, making you feel like you're in a fairytale. While the rink may not be open for the Lights Festival, it's worth coming back for a visit later on this winter.

You can visit this whimsical event as well as many others across Ontario this holiday season. Put on your coziest mittens and head out for some Christmas cheer. 

Winter Lights Festival

Price: Free

When: November 15, 2019 - November 16, 2019

Address: 2 Wellington St. W., Brampton ON

Why You Need To Go: Explore stunning light installations and watch Canada's largest night time parade!

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