In their own words: Cardinal Newman freshman safety Vinkevus Pierre becoming stronger player and person

Post Staff Report
Vinkevus Pierre started for Cardinal Newman varsity football as a freshman last season.


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Editor’s note: The following was submitted by Vinkevus Pierre, who was a starting safety on the Cardinal Newman varsity football team as a freshman this past fall. It has been edited for clarity.

Vinkevus Pierre, Cardinal Newman football Class of 2023

“COVID-19 has made me a stronger and better person and player. I have been working on the small things and trying to get better everyday with my dad, who is a high school running backs coach.

“My team and coaches are counting on me this year. COVID-19 has allowed me to appreciate life and experience how other people in foreign countries feel when they go through troubled times like this. I can't wait until all of this is over, so I can get back to helping our community and give back to the people that are hit hard by this pandemic. God bless you all.”