SIOUX CITY, Iowa (KCAU) — A toolkit to help encourage Iowans to start a career in health science is now available.

According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, they have teamed up with the Iowa Department of Education, Iowa Hospital Association, Iowa Health Care Association and others to create a toolkit encouraging middle and high school students and adults looking for jobs in health science.

The purpose of this learning toolkit is to match the skills and interests of students and people looking for jobs with health careers that are in high demand in Iowa. It’s also part of Gov. Reynolds’s Future Ready Iowa initiative.

The toolkit includes a variety of helpful items in four different sections. In one of the sections, it offers templates of liability waivers, student applications, confidentiality agreements and more.

By 2026, the U.S. Department of Labor is predicting 2.4 million new health sciences careers nationwide.

The demand for health professions will continue to grow in Iowa as the aging population wants to recover at home and as the technology becomes more advanced.

To access the toolkit, click here.