The Winchester Mystery House in San Jose is famous, but it was not the only mysterious home of Sarah Winchester, the reclusive heiress to the Winchester gun fortune. She also had a home in Burlingame, a houseboat many dubbed “the ark.”

The boat built in the early 1890s was berthed in mudflats and protected with a moat that was crossed on a small bridge. Some Burlingame residents of the time said Winchester feared a flood of biblical proportions would inundate the area, a fear not so farfetched when one considers today’s warnings about the impacts of global warming. More mundane reports concluded Sarah bought the boat in Marin County and had it towed to Burlingame so she could have a place to call home between San Francisco and her San Jose mansion. A floating residence was not unusual at a time when many wealthy people owned yachts or houseboats. Some had both. The Winchester houseboat was moored in a slough near the end of what is now Winchester Drive.

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