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Fairview student starts stuffed animal drive for local EMS

Deb Fehr
For The Fairview Observer

What is soft, snuggly and rides in a Fairview fire truck? It’s a brand new stuffed animal and it is there to help comfort a child involved in a traumatic event.  It’s thanks to a Fairview Middle School student. 12-year-old Kyle has spearheaded a stuffed animal drive to benefit local first responders and other agencies in Williamson County.

Fairview Middle School student Kyle delivered his first stuffed animal donations to Mayor John Blade and Fairview Firefighters on Sept. 21, 2019.

Presenting the box of new stuffed animals at Fairview Fire Department, Kyle told Lt. Brandon Walker, “I hope these can help kids feel better when they are scared, if something has happened to them.”

Kyle’s mother Lisa McCann said her son has first-hand experience. 

“When he was little, he had a fever seizure and got rushed by ambulance to the hospital and he was freaking out,” she shared.  “They gave him a stuffed animal, an alligator I think, and it calmed him down.”

Lt. Walker said the donations will be put to good use. 

“It is helpful, especially on a wreck scene. It’s traumatizing for adults, but it’s a whole lot different for kids where they have no idea what happened,” he explained.

The stuffed animals also help children who might be intimidated. 

“Some of us are really big, but if we’re holding a stuffed animal, we look more approachable,” said firefighter Jordan Fox. “We really appreciate when the community helps make our job easier.”

Fairview Mayor John Blade has known Kyle’s family for years and is impressed with Kyle’s efforts. 

“It’s wonderful. A young man of his character is hard to find. If he can help others at an early age, think of what he can do in a lifetime,” he said.

Kyle got the idea when he was packing up his own stuffed animals since he has outgrown them. He talked to his mother and the two approached Fairview Middle School. 

“It is the Beta Club at school that helped him get started.  They put out a box and added information to the daily announcements,” Lisa reported.  Since then, the effort has expanded.

“The Fairview High School Football Coach has challenged his players to fill a box,” added Lisa.  “We are also putting a collection box at First Bank in Fairview.” 

A third box will be placed at Franklin Intermediate School where a family member works. 

With the first box delivered, there are plans to take the next box to the Fairview Police Department. They also hope to collect enough to share with facilities with dementia and Alzheimer’s patients.   

The community is invited to participate in Kyle’s drive. The stuffed animals must be new, due to allergy issues, and can be dropped off at First Bank in Fairview, or if you have a student at FMS, send it to school.