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Children of Memphis suffering from lead hazards. Let's work together to stop it. | Opinion

We owe it to the children of Memphis to work together to rid our community of lead hazards that come from places such as your water faucet and paint.

Ruth Ann Norton and Sharon Hyde
Guest Columnists
  • Ruth Ann Norton is President and CEO of the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative.
  • Sharon Hyde serves as the GHHI Memphis-Shelby County Outcome Broker.
  • GHHI works with local partners to align, braid and coordinate housing intervention resources to make low income homes healthy and affordable.

The increasing revelations of Memphis’ challenges with toxic lead hazards highlight the risk for lead exposure. It's a risk that threatens to undermine the promise of a bright future for generations of our children, as well as the city’s economic growth and community development momentum.

Lead poisoning is an entirely preventable condition which can be eliminated by acting with urgency, with the right mix of health-protective policies and investment that meets the scale of the problem.

In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determined that there was no safe level of lead in a child’s body and lowered the blood lead reference level for action to 5 µg/dl.

Today, science has verified that children with elevated blood lead levels are at greater risk for learning disabilities, decreased IQ, speech development delays, attention deficit disorder and aggressive behavior that diminish their educational achievement and change their life trajectory.

Without increased action and increased investment a dangerous, silent cycle perpetuates itself. Leaded dust from peeling lead paint still poses the major risk for poisoning, with lead in soil, drinking water and consumer products greatly adding to the damage of our children’s brains and bodies.

How much lead dust does it take to poison a child?

Take one sugar packet and spread it evenly throughout the floors of a two bedroom house. The sugar granules are invisible to the eye — but if the sugar was lead dust, this small amount is enough to poison children who spend time in this home. If you live in a home built prior to 1978, lead dust on floors, window sills and other objects such as toys could be poisoning your child through their normal hand-to-mouth activity. Lead in our drinking water is also a major contributor to lead exposure in Memphis.

When we send our children to school, we expect them to be educated, not poisoned. However, recent results of testing for lead in drinking water in schools indicated high levels of lead contamination. The school system must now adequately allocate funds to remediate sources of lead found in our schools.

While the 400,000 homes in Memphis built before 1950 have the highest risk of lead hazards, this risk extends to all homes built before 1978.

The dangers of lead paint still exist.

Neighborhoods with high concentrations of lead in the home often are also burdened by chronic under-investment in housing, high poverty rates, high energy burdens and lack of access to employment and educational resources. In Memphis, as across the country, lead poisoning is a major contributor to poor school performance, violent crime, diminished lifetime earnings and poorer health outcomes.

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How Memphis has fought lead poisoning so far

Due to the efforts of Mayor Jim Strickland and Housing and Community Development Director Paul Young, the City of Memphis received $5.6 million from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in 2019 to eliminate lead hazards in homes built before 1978. It marked the highest level of federal lead funding the city has ever received to address lead in housing. This federal investment presents an opportunity to leverage HUD dollars with sustainable funding from both private and public sectors, and other federal investments.

With historically high levels of funding for the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes at HUD, Shelby County has the opportunity to successfully apply for these same lead grant funds in 2020. Those funds can be made available to help the most at-risk families in older homes in Shelby County to remediate lead hazards.

Water coming out of your home's faucets can become contaminated with lead if pipes, solder or fixtures are made of the toxic metal.

There are also national best practices that we can implement to ensure that the homes where are children live and the water they drink in school are free from lead. Green & Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI) Memphis-Shelby County and the local Healthy Homes Partnership (HHP) are collaborating to make sure that neighborhoods and communities have the resources needed to make housing safe, healthy, energy efficient and sustainable.

We owe it to the children of Memphis to work together to rid our community of lead hazards. Together, we can guarantee our children the opportunity to reach their full potential, unburdened by lead’s toxic legacy.

Ruth Ann Norton is President and CEO of the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative.

Sharon Hyde serves as the GHHI Memphis-Shelby County Outcome Broker.

GHHI works with local partners to align, braid and coordinate housing intervention resources to make low income homes healthy and affordable.