VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) and An Achievable Dream Academy (AADA) began the design phase for a new addition at Lynnhaven Middle School (LMS).

A 25,000 square-foot addition is slated to begin construction in the fall of 2021 and expected to be complete by January 2023. The building will be home to the first class of the Lynnhaven AADA High School Program — including 9th through 12th graders.

“Lynnhaven Middle School welcomed sixth-grade students in 2018, and these students will represent the first graduating class from the Lynnhaven AADA secondary school program in 2025,” said school officials in a statement released Thursday.  

“The high school program will partner with neighboring First Colonial High School for selected courses, as needed, and for athletics/activities as many of the students attending the program were already zoned for First Colonial High School.”

A presentation is planned for the community on the classroom addition later in the 2020-2021 school year.

An Achievable Dream provides additional resources beyond the VBCPS content and objectives including a Social, Academic, and Moral Education (SAME) curriculum. The custom-built curriculum includes classes on personal finance, ethics, conflict resolution, and etiquette.

Additionally, Seatack Elementary School’s AADA program, which began in July 2014, is the division’s K-5 program.

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