Richard Griffin was getting his laps in at the Brigham Center walking track, he didn’t know it had a new name

“We call it Belle Terrence so I grew up in the neighborhood over here, came here for a long time,” Griffin said. 

This summer the track was dedicated for former Augusta Commissioner Bill Lockett. But you can excuse Griffin for not knowing that. The plaque at the track has been removed

Because the dedication plaque had the  names of the Mayor, Administrator and the Rec and Parks Director,  but no commissioners.

“I say it was wrong and something really should be done about it. They make too much money to say ‘oh I made a mistake’. How many times has that happened. I just made a mistake, if you don’t know at least you ought to ask somebody. That just tells me that was total disrespect, George,” said Commissioner Marion Williams.  

Augusta already has a plaque policy but after what happened at the walking track, the Central Services Department is before commissioners purposing a new one.

The biggest change will be before a plaque goes up, Augusta Commissioners will have to come down in favor of the wording on it. 

“We want the Commission to be pleased, whatever is installed on Augusta, Georgia property and with doing so, the mock up of that particular plaque or marker of any type will be approved by the commission,” says Central Services Department Director Takiyah Douse.